Corporate culture or organizational culture (Corporate Culture or Organizational Culture), is an organization by its values, beliefs, rituals, symbols, and other ways of its unique cultural image, in simple terms, is shown by all enterprises in the daily operation of the surface.
Staff culture, also known as enterprise staff culture, is the cultural form corresponding to the enterprise culture. The staff culture is based on the staff and is a quality culture. The enterprise culture is based on the enterprise, and it is a management culture. [1]
Enterprise culture is the spiritual wealth and material form created by the enterprise in the production, operation and management activities under certain conditions. It includes cultural concept, value concept, enterprise spirit, moral norm, code of conduct, historical tradition, enterprise system, cultural environment, enterprise product and so on. Among them, values are the core of enterprise culture.
Enterprise culture is the soul of an enterprise and an inexhaustible motive force to promote the development of an enterprise. It contains a wealth of content, the core of which is the spirit and values of the enterprise. The values here do not refer to a variety of cultural phenomena in the management of enterprises, but the values of employees in enterprises or enterprises engaged in business activities.
The essence of corporate culture is derived from the strict implementation of the enterprise system, and the institutional compulsion or incentive eventually makes the group produce a certain behavior consciousness. This group's behavior consciousness constitutes the enterprise culture. The essence of corporate culture has been deeply verified in the word "enterprise culture", and the mechanism of corporate culture is also detailed.
The enterprise leader applies the function of "cultural change person" to the enterprise, in order to solve the problem in the modern enterprise management, there is the enterprise culture. Both enterprise management theory and enterprise culture management theory pursue benefit. But the former regards the benefit as the object, while the latter pursues the benefit, applies the cultural concept to the enterprise consciously, and takes the rich creative person as the center of the management theory. This kind of guiding ideology is reflected in the management of enterprises, and there are various concepts that people call it corporate culture.
Starting from the reality of corporate culture, in-depth investigation and research, grasp the essential link between various phenomena of corporate culture. Based on practical experience, from perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge, scientific generalization and conclusion are made.
Corporate culture can inspire employees' sense of mission. No matter what enterprise, it has its responsibility and mission, enterprise mission is the goal and direction of all staff work, is the source of enterprise continuous development or progress.
Two. Corporate culture can unite employees' sense of belonging. The role of corporate culture is through the refinement and dissemination of enterprise values, so that a group of people from different places together to pursue the same dream.
Three. Corporate culture can strengthen employee's sense of responsibility. The importance of enterprise through a large number of documents and information publicity staff responsibility, management personnel to educate all employees a sense of responsibility, sense of crisis and sense of team work, to let everyone know the enterprise is all the staff of enterprises.
Four. Corporate culture gives employees a sense of honor. Everyone should be in his job, work field, make more contributions, more achievements, more pursuit of honor.
Five. Corporate culture can achieve employee's sense of achievement. The prosperity of an enterprise is related to the survival of every company employee, the prosperity of the enterprise, the employees will be proud, will be more active efforts to forge ahead, the higher the honor, the greater the sense of accomplishment, the more obvious.
